checking off my fall bucket list...

Crunchy leaves, crisp air, clamorous dogs on leashes, clear lake view. Exploring a new city in the fall is exhilarating.

Part of our adventure included finding a dog park for our two boisterous pups. One area of the park even trailed out into a lake, allowing the dogs to splash and kick towards tennis balls bobbing in the water. Our youngest (but definitely not littlest) dog, Lulu, hesitated at the water's edge for the first few minutes. She's seen a lake before, but never really known what to do with it. Quickly, though, her lab instincts took over and she was kicking her pudgy legs against the cold water, propelling herself to the once bouncing tennis balls. Her little head poked above the water and puttered in circles, even swimming after other dogs.

Her dip in the lake was followed with a picnic for the humans, a slow walk around the lake, soaking up the fall sun on a dock and of course, chasing squirrels.

Getting out of the apartment really is special. Love that this fall bucket list is encouraging me to live more intentionally!
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