quitting is scary fun.

I clicked the laptop back into its sleeping position and stared at the wall in front of me. Did I really just do that? Did those words “I think it’s time for me to leave” really just ripple across my tongue, squeeze through my teeth and tumble out of my lips? 

I jumped out of my chair and paced the room, thoughts racing. It was a planned quitting speech and it went without a hitch. My boss, kind and understanding, asked if I could stay another month to help tie the year-end fundraising bow. I agreed and now here I sit, 25 days shy of a vague unemployment. 

For years, I wrestled with creative entrepreneurship. After soaking in an Etsy article in 2010 about “quitting your day job”, I’ve played with this illusive idea of owning my own business. I’ve made strides forward, then retreated from fear or necessity. I’ve denied my own creativity, hidden in corners, whined, coveted other entrepreneur’s successes. 

When we moved from our comfortable three bedroom, red bricked suburb house to a three digit square foot, sleek apartment in the bustling city this summer, my heart moved too. It couldn’t contain the pressure of hiding behind the guise of yet another job, another way to deny that all I really wanted to do was to start and operate a creative business. 

So, I’m leaving my full-time, paying-our-bills job. I’m leaving it before my business has proven itself, before sales outnumber expenses. 

I’m no stranger to quitting jobs. I’ve planned, blurted and typed two weeks notices five times in five years, a seemingly red flag that I don’t belong in a traditional work place or maybe just a typical millennial. But this time, my plan isn’t a different way to hide. It’s to pursue The Tabitha Shop. I’m taking a dive into an exciting unknown and watching what God does on the way down. 

I’ll be blogging much more about this journey away from full-time employment to full-time entrepreneurship. I’ll be finished with my job on November 30 and will be full-time The Tabitha Shop by December 1. Join me in this adventure?