printable gift list

Happy Tuesday!

If you're in the thick of wedding season, chances are that you're (or have been) a little stressed. It's easy to forget details, not know what you're "supposed to do" or feel the pressure to make sure everyone is included.

A major way to help eliminate that stress is to write everything down! Put pen to paper, make a big list, fill out notebooks. Don't be afraid to write out long, long lists.

On one of those lists is to write thank you notes after showers. My hope for this blog is to help you make your wedding season a little more special, even if in a small way. It's why I pulled together this little printable gift list for you. Print out as many as you need and use them to record your gifts, who gave them to you and if you've sent your

thank you notes


Hope this makes your planning season just a little less stressful and a little more sweet!