To DIY or not to DIY? Pros & Cons of DIYing Invites

Should I DIY my wedding invitations?

To DIY or not to DIY? It's a question I know a lot of you are asking when it comes to your invitations. With easy access to online, affordable printers and an abundance of printable, downloadable templates everywhere on the Internet, DIYing has never been easier. 

Before you dive headfirst into purchasing a template, however, make sure you think through all of what it might take: researching printers, finding your perfect paper, and understanding printing lingo. Below are just a few pros and cons to help you think through whether or not you should strike out on your own or trust a designer. 


1. Affordability
This is easily the biggest pro. If you find the right online printer, you can purchase invites for as low as 70 cents/each. Templates often range between $15-40, so making budget with the DIY option should be a cinch.  

RELATED: Click here for 3 of my favorite online, affordable printers. 

2. Gorgeous designs
A simple Etsy search for "printable wedding invites" will yield thousands of designs. You likely won't have a problem finding a design within your style and colors. 


1. Requires more time
What you gain in money, you lose in time with DIYing invites. You'll most likely have to proof, set up/format your files, find the right printer, decide on the right paper, find affordable envelopes, and more. Google will most likely become your best friend in the process. 

Be prepared to re-print or learn as you go. Don't expect to get it right the first time around. 

2. Lack of customer support
Although this might not be the case for every shop, you do run the risk of working with a not very experienced designer or one who lacks helpful customer service. The plus of working with a graphic designer or even with a website like Minted is the relationship you build. The designer can help you think through everything you need and fix any mistakes that you might not catch.


Hope these help you think through your decision a little bit more! If you decide to leave it to the pros, I have a host of wedding invitation ideas for you.  Just click any of the photos below to find your perfect invites!